The Best Christmas Stories to Enjoy All Together


Christmas is one of the most magical moments of the year… it’s a time for innumerable stories to materialize. Did you know that? Christmas tales are full of dreams and magic… and snow and reindeer as well. Do you want to immerse yourself in gripping and fascinating accounts, full of details you will always remember? Well, today you can do just that!

We will suggest a considerable variety of Christmas stories that reflect the values of these truly magical dates. And, that is because Christmas has inspired many authors. Enjoy these special days with the entire family.

Letters from Father Christmas

Every year in the month of December, J.R.R. Tolkien’s children received letters from Father Christmas. This book contains all the extraordinary drawings and letters, from his very first note to his eldest son in 1920 until the last and moving correspondence with his daughter in 1943, in a single and marvellous edition. In these letters, “Father Christmas” told wonderful stories about life in the North Pole. Discover them!

Dream Snow

Eric Carle’s Dream Snow is an all time Christmas classic. A book with peekaboo animals that, without naming Father Christmas, presents us with a heart-warming story of a farmer who celebrates Christmas with his animals, dressed exactly like Santa Claus.

The Highest Mountain of Books in the World

Rocio Bonilla’sThe Highest Mountain of Books in the World, is a beautiful illustrated album that transmits the magic that reaches us through books and how the love of reading takes us wherever we want to go, with nothing but our imagination.

When Matías Needed to Wee at Night on the Eve of The Three Kings

When Matías Needed to Wee at Night on the Eve of The Three Kings is a children’s Christmas literature classic. It’s a humorous rendering of a misadventure that so many children have sometimes had: what do you do if you need to pee on Christmas eve or on the eve of The Three Kings and you absolutely must get out of bed?

Where are the Queens of the Orient?

Have you ever wondered where the Queens of the Orient are? It is through Nun’s curiosity – she’s the protagonist of this story – that we find ourselves uncovering the secret of Oriental women.


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