The bench where we all fit


Boboli has a clear mission: to contribute to the future of children. Collection after collection, we have been striving to teach values of respect, tolerance, and equality between people, no matter what their gender, colour, religion, or abilities.

Our new campaign is called The bench where we all fit and is based on a true story that moved us all and reminded us of the importance of social inclusion.

The friendship bench

Acacia Woodley is an American girl who was born with physical deformities. In 2014, when she was 9 years old, she was bullied by her classmates and felt as a misfit. So, she asked the principal of her school to speak in public to make them understand that she was just a girl who wanted to have a good time.

In order to help other children feel less alone, they installed what she called the friendship bench in her school yard. A place to have fun and meet friends, painted with bright colours and messages such as “courage”, “respect”, “smile”, on each of the slats.

We at Boboli wanted to use this idea and make it the main theme of our new collection.

In collaboration with  Santa&Cole and Urbidermis, we’ve created a six-meter-long red bench that we all can fit on; a space that shows our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and respect for differences. 

Below are some of the looks that our protagonists wear, so that your children can ALWAYS play:


Discovery magazine

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