Clues for organising your wardrobe and not squandering your time choosing looks


Is it difficult for you to decide what to wear in the mornings and can you spend up to 10 minutes or more making up your mind? As the saying goes: Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Plan your outfits for the week so that you have more time when you get up. If you waste time each morning with the “I don’t know what to put on”, we have several solutions that will surely help you. Optimising the placement of your garments is of utmost importance. Shall we?

Did you know that according to a study undertaken by Marks & Spencer, the major British multinational retailer, we spend an average 17 minutes each day choosing the outfit we are going to wear? So, calculator in hand, when you are around 60, you will have spent approximately six months of your life thinking about how to combine the clothes you dress up in. Unbelievable, isn’t it?

12 hours before

You can choose your clothes the day before, when you get home in the evening or before going to bed. That way you won’t have to rush through it with sleep still in your eyes and with just enough time for breakfast and going to school.

Separate: Daily and weekend

Another way is organising the wardrobe by the days of the week. Do you dare to? Prepare 5 looks and arrange them according to the different days of the week. Did you know that the perfect wardrobe has clearly established areas: daily, weekend as well as shoes and accessories.

Drawers by clothes type

Having a chest of drawers well sorted by garment type and colours will save you a lot of time when you have to pick what to get into. You will go straight for what you need and you won’t lose even a minute thinking… where’s that t-shirt I do like so very much.

Use groupings

Where you used to have mufflers, now you see shorts. Create your own seasonal drawer. That said, make sure you only include things you need from one year to the next, from summer to winter. 


Discovery magazine

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