Sustainable journeys


Whether you are one of those families that begins planning the weekend on Monday or if you are among those that make all decisions at the last minute, you’ll like this article.

We’re bringing you a list of ideas of sustainable activities you can do with your children, alternatives that everybody will like and with which your children will not only have fun, but will learn to behave responsibly with the environment.

Sustainable activities with the family

  • Animal Recovery Centre: This is one of the most engaging activities you can undertake with animals while learning to look after them at the same time.
  • Collecting garbage: There are several groups organising garbage collection activities both at beaches and in the mountains. It is a way of becoming aware of our impact on the environment.
  • Forest Plantation: You can do this with an association so they can advice you on the type of tree to plant and where to do so. Make it a special place by visiting it from time to time and observing its growth together.
  • Become a volunteer in dog shelters or animal rescue centres: This is an alternative to having a pet at home. Adopting one of them if you can, or taking it for a walk and giving it lots of love is one of the most gratifying activities there is.
  • Explore more your surroundings: I’m sure there are surprising activities very close to you which are a walk away or that you can reach cycling.

Behave like responsible tourists

  • Carrying a reusable bottle reduces plastic consumption: there are glass or aluminium bottles that are not only more respectful of the environment, but they keep the temperature of the liquids better.
  • Avoid shows with animals: It’s much better to enjoy them in other ways where their freedom is respected.
  • Pick up everything before you leave: If all of us leave nature as we find it, we’ll be able to enjoy it longer.
  • Choose handcrafted souvenirs made by locals: We’ll be taking home something that is far more special and from km 0.
  • Use lunch boxes instead of tinfoil wraps: There are many options and since their useful life is so much longer, they’re a more sustainable alternative.

In a word, enjoying time with the family without forgetting the importance of looking after the planet is really quite easy (and very good fun). Do you have other tips for travelling sustainably? Share them in the comments so we can put them into practice! 🌿


Discovery magazine

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