Carnival, Carnival… transform into the main character of your favourite book!


The countdown for one of the most wonderful festivities of the year has begun! In boboli, we continue with our goal of wanting to share our passion for reading with you… and Carnival has given us the perfect excuse! Do you already know what your disguise is going to be or are you still on the fence?

The countdown for one of the most wonderful festivities of the year has begun! In boboli, we continue with our goal of wanting to share our passion for reading with you… and Carnival has given us the perfect excuse! Do you already know what your disguise is going to be or are you still on the fence?

If the latter is the case, that’s all right! We have the solution for you. Here are 3 different options so that this Carnival you will be the most original of all your friends. You will be a hit with our proposal for this day’s merrymaking. We are certain you will be the star at the party!

We have prepared 3 masks that represent the main characters of the most famous children’s books. All you have to do is choose the one you like best! Once that is clear, prepare your scissors, colour pencils and get to work!

If you print the mask at home, ideally you should stick it on card paper so that it is stronger and thus, start working on this winner! Get going right away!


When it is ready and you put it on, you will be prepared for the adventures of your favourite character!

Do you know who they are? Put your knowledge in literature to the test! Here are some clues to make things easier for you:

careta tintin

  • This first character was the “hero” that his creator wished to be but never could be in real life
  • He’s a reporter who is always caught up in adventures and feats.
  • There are airplanes or helicopters in almost all the adventures he engages in.


careta matilda

  • She loves reading.
  • She had already read 16 books by the time she was just five years old.
  • The character of the father is inspired in a real person.


careta pinocho

  • This character’s story was published time and again in an Italian magazine before the book came out.
  • The meaning of the name is “pinewood eye”.
  • It became one of the most sold books of all time.

Upload your photo and mask in Instagram and we will share it in our profile!


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