Celebrate World Wildlife Day with boboli. Fun activities for the whole family.


Today we’re celebrating World Wildlife Day. It’s a day to celebrate the beauty and variety of wild flora and fauna and to help children learn about the importance of biodiversity and preserving all forms of life. That’s why we’re proposing some fun and very entertaining activities for the whole family. Take note!

Organize a DIY animal mask workshop.
An activity for all ages that will spark their creativity. You can use scraps of paper to create colorful birds, like these by the artist Lucille Michelli. Or you can reuse paper plates or cardboard boxes .


Recycle old toys to make planters.
A great idea for recycling old toys is to turn them into planters. It’s a simple project that provides a truly unique result. During the workshop, you can talk about the importance of recycling as you choose what to plant for each animal. We loved this crocodile with succulents!


Reading workshop.
A lovely way of learning about our planet’s diversity, endangered animals, and ecosystems is through a good book. And if the illustrations are gorgeous, all the better. In, “My Wild Family”, the main character compares each member of her family to an animal. “Beautiful Birds” is a stunning alphabet book that presents a collection of the most striking birds around. In “Disappearing Acts”, kids will discover a different landscape on every page, along with the endangered species that inhabit them. And “Mad about Monkeys” explores different types of monkeys, their origins, and how they relate to one another.


Organize a baking workshop.
The sweetest way to celebrateWorld Wildlife Day is by baking a special treat. You can pick your favorite animals and turn them into cookies, donuts or cakes.


Create a jungle from recycled paper.
Create a real jungle filled with recycled-paper animals while you study their characteristics and their habitats. Check out this link for dozens of origami animals.


And Mr. Printables offers a set of 20 animals made from recycled cardboard you can assemble yourself.


Build a terrarium.
A fun project to help kids understand ecosystems and the important role every species plays. It’s the perfect excuse for a family outing to collect the material you need, like rocks, branches or plants. Learn how to make one here.

Family movie night.
What could be better than watching a movie with the whole family? It’s a fun and educational way to talk about issues like the Earth’s biodiversity (the “Ice Age” saga), loving animals (“Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea”, respect for bodies of water (Dolphin Tale”), global warming (An Inconvenient Truth”) or the importance of caring for the planet (“Wall-E”).


Discovery magazine

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